FEBRUARY 13, 2021
Black History Month
Interior designers and home décor experts love using our lighting to adorn different parts of their home or to create a mood in their projects. Here are a few images from designers we love, featuring our lighting crafted by Generation Lighting. We asked them why they chose the fixture they did or how it adds to their space!
The Story Behind The Hill we Climb
As Amanda Gorman read her poem “The Hill We Climb” at the presidential inauguration last year, her words gave hope and reached the far corners of the world with inspiration. What you may not know is she almost declined the offer to write and read a poem for the occasion. In a recent New York Times guest opinion piece “Amanda Gorman: Why I Almost Didn’t Read My Poem at the Inauguration”, she explained why.
Celebrating with Food
This article on Food52 celebrates Black Food History and provides many recipes for modern and traditional foods created by black culinary creatives. We’re loving @agirlcalledadri_’s Collard Green Hand Pies.
A Guide to Books for Kids of all Ages
USA today put together a comprehensive list of books for Black History Month and beyond that are good for kids and young adults. It features works of literature that include black characters in the forefront of the story, race identity and diversity while covering topics that celebrate the joys of cultures while touching on pain, protest and marginalization. From these books, minds can be expanded and great conversations can be started.
BlackHistoryMonth.Gov is a collaborative project of the Library of Congress and the National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. On this extensive site you will find information about free online panel discussions, art exhibits, audio and video archives, interviews with changemakers and resources for educators or anyone interested in learning more.